If you are thinking about transferring to another Agency and are unsure of the procedure, please give us a call and we will talk you through it.
Transferring simply means going through the same process you went through when you first became approved. However, since you are already fostering, your application should be faster and simpler.
Aim High will support you throughout the transfer process and liaise with your current agency and the local authority to make sure everyone is working together.
If you decide you want to transfer to Aim High, the procedures below will need to be followed:
- Carer has to initially give notice to their current agency/LA explaining they are considering moving to another Agency. This should be in writing.
- Once Aim High has received information that notice has been given, we can begin to proceed with the Form F Assessment. (The Carer must not give resignation at this point)
- If the Carer has a child/young person in placement, a meeting will need to take place to make sure there are no gaps in the support for the child and the transition is seamless. This is usually organised by the LA responsible for the child.
- When the Carer is ready to go to Panel, they will submit their formal resignation letter to their current Agency / LA giving 28 days notice.